It all starts with the triangle of reconstruction. If you remember Pythagorean theorem from your 10th grade geometry class, you know that if you know two sides of a triangle, you can calculate the third side. The triangle as it relates to riding is TIME-SPEED-DISTANCE. You are already familiar with the idea. For instance, if…
Power and control is exerted and maintained through division and the “us against them” idea continues to divide. The best example would be the Democrats vs. Republicans, as this is possibly the most well known divide which has created two major divisions within America. While in actuality the divisions mean nothing if your focus is…
So a follow up to the accident reconstruction post, I said that the Time-Speed-Distance triangle was not just important to as an attorney working with experts to reconstruct accident cases, but also to us as riders. We are so used to navigating the streets that 60 mph doesn’t mean anything to us in practice, but…